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I enjoy sharing my HR and leadership knowledge as a columnist and keynote speaker for publications such as CHRO Magazine. My goal is to empower leaders like you and help you unlock your true potential. But let's not stop there—I also aim to bring a smile to your face and spark new insights and inspiration along the way.
Are you looking for a keynote speaker, podcast guest, or columnist with acknowledged expertise in HR, leadership, and/or executive coaching?
Please contact me for inquiries.

Anne Jaakke
13 sep 20246 minuten om te lezen
“Executive teams hebben regelmatig een boost nodig”
Innovatie binnen HRM en een betere samenwerking tussen HR-teams en techbedrijven. ‘Dat is het ultieme doel van de HR Technology Awards en ie

Anne Jaakke
13 sep 20245 minuten om te lezen
‘Ik wil de tech-wereld en de HR-wereld dichter bij elkaar brengen’
Innovatie binnen HRM en een betere samenwerking tussen HR-teams en techbedrijven. ‘Dat is het ultieme doel van de HR Technology Awards en ie

Anne Jaakke
16 aug 20243 minuten om te lezen
Working during your vacation? Highly recommended... especially for leaders.
The most important task for every leader? Working on your own energy and positivity, especially during vacation. Anne Jaakke knows what...

Anne Jaakke
29 jul 20241 minuten om te lezen
Meet the Mavericks episode 4 - Rene Janssen (Lepaya)
In Episode 4 of the Meet the Mavericks podcast Anne Jaakke sits down with René Janssen, co-founder of Lepaya. Founded in Amsterdam in...

Anne Jaakke
22 jul 20241 minuten om te lezen
Meet the Mavericks episode 3 - Charlotte Melkert (Equalture)
Episode 3 of the Meet the Mavericks podcast is with Charlotte Melkert, co-founder of Equalture. Equalture tackles bias in hiring through...

Anne Jaakke
15 jul 20241 minuten om te lezen
Meet the Mavericks episode 2 - Dirk Jonker (Crunchr)
In Episode 2 of the Meet the Mavericks podcast Anne Jaakke talks with Dirk Jonker, Founder & CEO of Crunchr. Recognized as the Best...

Anne Jaakke
9 jul 20241 minuten om te lezen
Meet the Mavericks episode 1 - Quintus Willemsen (Share Council)
The first episode of the Meet the Mavericks podcast is online! In our very first episode, Anne Jaakke sits down with Quintus Willemse...

Anne Jaakke
17 jun 20244 minuten om te lezen
HR Leader, Step into the Picture! 10 Tips for Better Visibility
Are you as a leader clearly enough in the picture? If not, then it's wise to contemplate the right actions.

Anne Jaakke
5 feb 20243 minuten om te lezen
Step into the spotlight! 10 tips for better online visibility as a leader
The resistance and desire of every leader to be visible, both internally and externally, are observed in many. Why do we always see that...

Anne Jaakke
25 okt 20233 minuten om te lezen
Navigating the Burnout Epidemic: A Vision for Change
Dit is een template van een Anne Jaakke artikel

Anne Jaakke
4 aug 20235 minuten om te lezen
"I want to bring the tech world and the HR world closer together"
Innovation within HRM and better collaboration between HR teams and tech companies. "That's the ultimate goal of the HR Technology...

Anne Jaakke
1 aug 20234 minuten om te lezen
Cross-Boundary Behaviour
As an HR leader, have you defined the line at which you will intervene? I have now... Those who want to address cross-boundary behaviour...

Anne Jaakke
16 jul 20233 minuten om te lezen
“Musical Chairs”
Who in the team wins a relaxing holiday, and who stays home? Summer has arrived, and everyone's vacation beckons. It's almost time for...

Anne Jaakke
16 jul 20233 minuten om te lezen
How can you as a leader get more energy – and get it?
"Everything is Energy" is a famous quote by Albert Einstein. Anne Jaakke puts her own spin on it with her quote, "Energy is everything,"...

Anne Jaakke
16 jul 20233 minuten om te lezen
Do you realize that you bring your family to work?
Executives are often seen as rational and objective, supposedly making decisions based only on facts and data in the boardroom. However,...

Anne Jaakke
16 jul 20233 minuten om te lezen
Where is your company in the HR evolution (Darwin style)?
HR innovation is necessary to become and remain competitive. Yet the majority of companies do not seem to embrace this idea. Why not?...

Anne Jaakke
9 jul 20233 minuten om te lezen
To micromanage or not to micromanage?
Why is it that there are still many leaders today who micromanage? You'd think we'd know better by now, wouldn't you? Micromanagement is...

Anne Jaakke
5 jul 20236 minuten om te lezen
Improving boardroom dynamics for organisational success
How do you improve dynamics in the boardroom and increase the effectiveness of top management, thereby enhancing the success of the...

Anne Jaakke
12 jun 20233 minuten om te lezen
Unlock the best in yourself and your CEO!
Why isn't more time and attention devoted to the relationship between the CEO and CHRO, with management books written about it and...

Anne Jaakke
13 apr 20234 minuten om te lezen
How to make a successful start as a CHRO?
What sets the foundation for a successful start as a CHRO in a new company in 2022? Anne Jaakke asked Abbe Luerman, former CHRO of Ahold...
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